This easy recipe will give you one sturdy and aromatic gingerbread house with dough left over for cookies. Once you try this it will become a happy holiday...
These cookies are so versatile! They are delicious, naturally low-fat, and even make terrific Christmas ornaments that keep for years. Royal Icing is best...
These are just what they say: big, soft, gingerbread cookies that stay soft. This healthier version of the original recipe uses butter instead of margarine,...
This is one my mum in England used to make when we were kids. It was always the biggest hit every year. Use your imagination and a variety of candies to...
Not-too-soft, not-too-hard, not-too-spicy, not-too-bland... These are the absolute PERFECT gingerbread cookies for everyone and anyone at the holidays-You...
Make your very own gingerbread house to enjoy throughout Christmas and the festive season. A new tradition to build with the kids, you can build the house...
I decided to squeeze in one more holiday cookie recipe before the New Year! These gluten-free gingersnaps are the best cookie I've ever made, and I might...
These are deliciously soft, chewy cookies. They are wonderful for Christmas plates and bake sales because they don't fall apart easily. Garnish with decorative...
Ginger, almond flour, arrowroot, and molasses combine to perfection to make these crispy and sweet gluten-free vegan gingerbread cookies, just perfect...
Gingerbread Cookie Mix layered in a one quart canning jar. Great Christmas gift. Place a circle of gingerbread fabric between lid and ring and tie a gingerbread...
These little cookies are my grandmother's specialty. Perfect to keep in the freezer for later as well! I used to make these all the time with my grandmother,...
This recipe for basic gingerbread cookies is very easy and quick because the dough doesn't need to sit in the refrigerator. I'm horrible at rolling out...
A spicy, molasses-y cookie crust and topping with a creamy cheesecake filling makes for a lovely treat! I enjoy the orange-gingerbread flavor combination--but...
This is the BEST recipe for gingerbread cookies I have ever tasted. It looks complicated, but isn't. I have used this recipe for many years and always...
I received this recipe at my wedding shower, and made it for the first time this year. I was shocked at how perfect they came out--like something you would...
If you live in Canada you may be familiar with President's Choice Lassy Mog cookies. It is claimed that these cookies originated in Newfoundland, Canada....
You can roll out gingerbread dough into rectangular sheets for walls, cut out windows, and bake. Same for the roof. When done you can fit them together...
These cookies are formed by cookie cutters. By using a toothpick to make a hole in the top of the cookie, you can hang them on the tree. You can also make...
Stacking two cookie doughs makes for an impressive-looking cookie. It also means you don't have to pick between your two faves! You just need two cookies...